Dachaigh / Products / Innealan làimhe & Accessories

  • /upfile/2020/03/04/20200304144643_496.jpg
  • SCVG8 Cupa suidse falamh 8" le tomhas
  • SCVG8 Cupa suidse falamh 8" le tomhas

8 "Cupa Suction Vacuum le Gauge

Meud riatanach!
Dath a dhìth!
  • Tuairisgeul


◢ Lifting capacity 120 Kg
With pressure monitor
◢ Durable multi-level rubber
◢ Heavy duty steel handle & brass tube
◢ Pump action & quick release lever
◢ Ideal for large porcelain or stone, tiles and glass
Thig còmhla liosta puist againn

Ma tha thu airson ùrachaidhean fhaighinn agus na naidheachdan as ùire mu ar cur air bhog toraidh